Stunning Pink Roses n Kwality Walls Choco Brownie Ice Cream with Cadbury Chocolates
(Delivery All Over India)
Product Contents:
This gift combo has:
• 8 Pink Rose Bouquet
• Kwality Walls Choc-n-Roll Choco Brownie Fudge Ice Cream Tub (700ml)
• Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar (140g)
Win the hearts of your close ones by sending this Stunning 8 Pink Rose Bouquet in a tissue wrapping with Kwality Walls Choc-n-Roll Choco Brownie Fudge Ice Cream Tub (700ml) and Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar (140g) and mesmerise them by your sweet gesture.
Rs. 1965 / $ 23.12