150 Classic Red Roses Bouquet
(Delivery All Over India)
Product Contents:
The bouquet is made of:
• 150 Red Roses
• Wrapped in White Non Woven Paper
• Tied with Red Ribbon
Experience the quintessential symbol of love and devotion with our 150 Classic Red Roses Bouquet. Professionally designed with meticulous attention to detail, these florals are enveloped in a smooth white non-woven wrap. The striking white background fortifies the lush red roses, culminating in a breathtaking display of elegance. Securely fastened with a red ribbon, it symbolizes lasting bonds and sweet memories. Feel free to gift it for moments that matter – love confessions, apologies, celebrations, or just because. Smile at the sheer beauty and intoxicating fragrance these roses bring, creating an atmosphere of warmth and endearment. A memorable token of affection, perfectly crafted to deliver sentiments straight from the heart.
Rs. 7999 / $ 94.11