Air Purifying Peace Lily Plant n Personalize Magic Mug
(Delivery All Over India)
Product Contents:
Tighten the bonds of your relationship by ordering online this Air Purifying Peace Lily Plant n Personalize Magic Mug for your loved ones and give them a reason to love you more.
Product Details:
a) Peace Lily plant
b) Personalize Radium Mug
Plant Details:
a) Product Content: Peace Lily plant
b) Type: Air Purifying Plant
c) Plant Placement: Indoor
d) Plant Height: 3 to 7 Inches
e) Container: Red Tub
Plant Benefits:
i) It purifies the air.
ii) Absorbs acetone vapors.
iii) Promotes restful sleep
Details needed:
Send a digital photo with your Alpha-numeric order id at: or Whatsapp at +91 9230721098.
Rs. 1249 / $ 14.69